+ My Credentials:

Holistic Pelvic Care® Practitioner: Certificate of Completion with Tami Lynn Kent, 2016, Oregon USA

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner: Advanced II Certificate of Completion 2018, 3.5 year training, British Columbia

Somatic Resilience and Regulation® Practitioner: certificate of completion 90+ hrs with Dr. Stephen Terrell and Dr. Kathy Kain, 2021 USA/Canada

Transforming Touch® Practitioner: Completed 90+ hours of instruction and practice 2019-2021 with Dr. Stephen Terrell Orleans, USA

Assistant at Somatic Resilience and Regulation® Trainings: certificate of completion 120+ hrs with Dr. Stephen Terrell and Dr. Kathy Kain, 2021-ongoing Online/Worldwide

Certified Couples Coach with Relational Life Therapy®: In process of certification 2024-2025 with Terry Real, online

Systemic Family Constellations® Certificate: In process of certification 2024-2025 with Jan Hull, Cowichan Valley, Canada

Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute: Eye of the Needle Advanced Masterclass with Peter Levine PhD. certificate of completion Part I & II, 2019, San Diego, USA

Somatic Practice with Kathy Kain: Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists, completion of 31.5 hours, 2019, Corte Madera, USA

National Institute of The Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine: Why the Vagal System Holds the Key to the Treatment of Trauma with Stephen Porges PhD completion 2020

National Institute of The Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine: How To Work With The Traumatized Brain with Bessel Van Der Kolk MD completion 2020

National Institute of The Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine: How To Work With Shame with Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, Terry Real + others completion 2020

National Institute of The Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine: The Neurobiology Of Attachment with Dan Siegel PhD, Pat Ogden PhD, Bessel Van Der Kolk MD, Allan Schore, PhD completion 2019

Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Bachelor of Fashion Design and Technology, completion 2013, Richmond BC.

+ Speaker, Contributor at:

Rising Woman, Cicely Blain Consulting, Voices for Muslim Women, Rebelle Society, Lonsdale Ave Magazine, Whistler Immigration Ltd., Stillness Labs, Graceclub

+ Who are you?

I use the pronouns she/her. I’m smart, silly and strong. I’m proudly #mixedAF. I’m an outdoor enthusiast, entertainer, sister, daughter, auntie and friend. I live on South Vancouver Island next to my neighbours cow pasture.

+ What is the Good Human Academy?

​ The Good Human Academy is a place for empathetic leaders to learn effective neuroscience and trauma-informed tools to flourish in life. It's a place to restore your humanity and learn life skills you can't get in traditional educational systems yet are essential for living a meaningful life. The Good Human Academy offer's online self-paced programs, private one on one support and loads of free resources on all things nervous system and relationship health.

+ Can you help me with my symptoms?

The short-listed version of what I help people heal: Burn-out, chronic stress, anxiety, CPTSD, social-anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue, ptsd, developmental trauma, chronic pain, addictions, codependency, attachment issues, insomnia, anger issues, pre+post surgery care, self-doubt, low confidence, emotional highs and lows, agoraphobia, mystery illnesses, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, vaginismus, menopausal symptoms, menstrual pain, heart diseases, post-pardum depression, migraines, sucidal thoughts, panick attacks, phobias, from experiencing loss, sexual abuse, abortion, miscarriage, car crashes, near death experiences.

+ Who do you work with?

I’ve had the honour of working with everyone from . . . Harvard students, the mom next door, the international CEO, athletes, the whole family and many counsellors and coaches 😊

+ Are your services covered by my insurance? And are you a therpist?:

No to both. None of my services are covered by insurance companies. I'm not a liscenced therapist. Most people that work with me choose to because I've been at a place similar to where they are, know the way through and have spent thousands of hours helping others do the same. I've also spent upwards of $50,000 usd in training to specialize in this work. If you'd like to learn more about my journey to this work don't hesitate to watch this video

+ Why do you use touch in your private practice work?

Both in-person co-regulating touch and intentional touch online have proven to be the most effective way to build an individuals capacity to move through stress with more ease. If you would like to know the latest neuroscience research on touch please read the resources on one of my most cherished teachers site, Dr. Stephen Terrell's page here

+ Is this reiki?

No. I've never done reiki or recieved reiki. Everything I teach, I have experienced, practiced and integrated within myself. The work I do is based in neuroplasticity and trauma resolution. Both in my online programs and one on one sessions we are working with stress physiology, how the human organism processes or doesn't process stress effectively for optimal well-being. Our nervous system (the biological system that governs ALL body systems) the fight-flight system can wreck havoc on our health, life and relationships if we're constantly in alertness mode. The work I do supports new neural pathways to be build so that your body and brain can function optimally.

+ Do you work with people 1:1?

Yes. I work with select individuals each season in both my online private practice worldwide and in-person in Victoria's Westshore and Duncan, BC Canada. I also offer weekend intensives for individuals ready to make a quantum leap in their healing with a weekend getaway to Victoria BC. [Schedule your first session here]

+ Do your programs help me find more direction and meaning in my life?

​ Absolutely. In essence my work teaches you how to be your own medicine. Our culture provides us with a swirl of patriarchy, sexism and racism which makes it easy to get lost and feel lonely. Living life from a map that’s not necessarily our own. Ultimately my mission is to teach leaders (everyone leads themselves) how to be regulated and make choices that are not just externally us but match the story in our hearts. ​

+ Who is a Good Human?

​ No matter who you are, you’re a leader (you lead yourself). No matter where you live in the world (gender, social, racial, economical identity) moving forward you’re going to do your best to think, feel, speak and act in a way that celebrates our differences and strengthens our experience of togetherness.

Your capacity for regulation, empathy and resilience builds bridges between cultures, generations and old and new ways of being.

While I originally designed my work based off of research-based trauma resolution, my work has become a ‘secret weapon’ for leaders who want to create strong heart connections within themselves and their communities. This biologically regulated, heartfelt approach to humanity is an essential way of being in our world today.

+ I’m loving this, what can I do next?

1. Try a free resource

2.Take a course inside the Good Human Academy

3.Heal through hard to heal stuff with Luana's support